Five tips for eating in Rome with kids

Roman food is deservedly famous, but you can eat really poorly in the touristy areas - especially when you have children who are hungry and need to eat NOW. Here are five tips on how to eat well in Rome with kids.

Tip 1: Pizza is traditionally served at dinner, not lunch. A good option for pizza at lunch is pizza al taglio, by the slice. It’s a great way to sample different toppings too, as you can choose small pieces of every type of pizza. Look for famed pizzerias Casamanco, Pizzarium, and Boccaccia.

Many bakeries also sell pizza by the slice; three of our favourites are: Forno Campo de’ Fiori , Roscioli and La Renella. Pizza bianco (plain pizza dough with salt and oil) and pizza rossa (plain with just tomato sauce) are staples for a quick bite for Roman kids - for lunch or breakfast!

Tip 2: For a quick meal, a local Tavola calda (hot table) is an excellent option. These are found in many cafes and bars and serve fresh, ready-made dishes: including an array of pastas, rice, meat and .a wide selection of vegetables (our family was converted to roasted brussel sprouts with parmesan and pine nuts in our local tavola calda.) Try Giselda, Gian Fornaio and by the Circus Maximus, Gusto Massimo Bar Bistrò.

Tip 3: If your child doesn’t like anything on the menu, you can always ask for a plate of pasta in bianco (pasta with parmesan, oil or butter) or pasta al pomodoro (with tomato sauce). And if they’re not big eaters, ask for a mezza porzione - a half portion of the dish.

Tip 4: There is a gelateria on every corner in Rome. Your kids will probably be happy with any of them, (blue Smurf gelato was a hit with our oldest for a while) but for freshly-made gelato made with quality ingredients follow the Trova tips suggestions in the app.

Tip 5: If someone is standing outside inviting you into their restaurant, run the other way.

©Casamanco - With a variety of ever-changing creative seasonal toppings Casamonco pizza is one of Rome’s best pizzerie. The mix of different flour in the dough and it’s long fermentation process gives it a distinct taste and makes it easier to digest.


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