Rome locals, Aline and Nick, with their two boys

Aleen, Nick, Danny and Alex

Rome locals and parents of two active boys, we understand the challenges of exploring the city with kids. Unlike other world cities, Rome’s museums and sites don’t offer any interactive exhibitions, activities or relevant information to engage children.

We started out taking our kids into museums and ancient sites but it was like touring with a time bomb. Within 20 minutes my kids would start whining “I’m bored”. One of us would have to start playing games, telling stories or bribing them with a gelato. After a while, we started avoiding museums and historical sites at the weekends and sneaking off to see them when the kids were at school. Talking to friends we discovered they were all doing the same; avoiding Rome’s historical sites for kid-friendly activities.

So we started Trovatrails to turn museum time into playtime. We used our joint backgrounds in Communications and our experience as parents to bring fun and play into the tours. We started with €6,000 and a mission to make Rome’s history fun and accessible to all children.

Hearing kids ask, on completing a trail, “Can we do another one?” is what keeps us going.